The Mobile Tachograph has been entirely developed by TRANSPALL ( in order to make it possible to register the driving and rest times, to comply with the present regulation regarding infringements and to download the files of the driver card and of the tachograph of the vehicle from your own mobile phone without needing to be provided with any other device. With the portable tachograph you will be able to:- Register the activities performed during your working days and obtain reports on the time dedicated to each one of them. The mode GPS will save you entering data manually and you will change of activity automatically from driving activity to other activities and vice versa.
- Receive information to be able to control your driving and rest times, and so not exceeding the driving times allowed and take all the regulatory rests imposed by the current regulation considering the different circumstances that may arise.
- Download the information of the driver card by means of a card reader plugged in your mobile. The file obtained is absolutely legal and the download can be done in a little more than a minute as many times as you want, without needing to insert the card in the tachograph or to have the company card. You can send the file obtained via email to the address you desire.
Download the information of the tachograph installed in your vehicle or of a card inserted either by means of a wire or by means of a wireless connection dongle (Bluetooth key) that we can supply you. This will save you from having other more expensive devices and will allow you sending the file downloaded wherever you need. - Reload the activities of the driver card in your portable tachograph. This allows the synchronization of both devices so that you will be able to consult in the mobile telephone all the activities registered in the card and check if any infringement has been committed.
TRANSPALL can supply you both the card reader and the wire or Bluetooth dongle.
FREE applications for all the clients of TRANSPALL and of the platform
For any doubt or information you may need, do not hesitate to contact with us via the email address
[email protected] or calling our support telephone 00 34 912 98 61 67. We will be very pleased to contact you immediately and help you.